The Cartesian Model of Tetratism

Peter Wang
Dec 27, 2021

(Concrete-Imagined, Ideal-Abstract)

  1. Imagined * Abstract = Magnitude: (value consumed — value created, self-other)

a. Value consumed from the self

b. Value consumed from others

c. Value created for yourself

d. Value created for others

2. Concrete * Abstract = Possibility: (eliminate-confirm, impossible-possible)

a. Confirm impossibilities

b. Eliminate possibilities

c. Eliminate impossibilities

d. Confirm possibilities

3. Concrete * Ideal = Direction: (false-true, incomplete-complete)

a. Wrong goal set

b. Wrong goal complete or abandoned

c. Right goal set

d. Right goal complete

4. Abstract * Ideal = Probability: (past-future, converge-diverge)

a. Formulate belief

b. Test belief

c. Validate/invalidate belief

d. Apply transformed belief



Peter Wang

Musician, philosopher, investor and entrepreneur